Infinity Bond SuperTAC 88 Product Assembly Hot Melt Glue Stick


Sale price$178.00

Product Highlights

  • Type: Hot Glue Sticks
  • Brand: Infinity Bond

Product Assembly Hot Melt Glue Stick for Difficult Substrates - Introducing SuperTAC 88

Product assembly is a general term but when using hot melt glue sticks, a general purpose formula is not the best option. That is why we created Infinity Bond SuperTAC 88, a better product assembly hot melt glue stick. SuperTAC 88 is stronger, bonds to more substrates and sets clear. Unlike your bargain hot melt formulations, SuperTAC 88 will bond products like paper cardboard and wood but also non-porous substrates like ceramic, coated surfaces, light plastics and metals. 

SuperTAC 88 is a product assembly workhorse that can adapt itself to nearly any application. Give it a shot for your next assembly, manufacturing, product repair or general bonding need. 

SuperTAC 88 Available Stick Sizes

  • 1/2" X 10" (Standard)
  • 5/8" X 10"
  • 5/8" X 2" TC
  • 5/8" X 2" PG

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