Infinity Bond Mighty Joe Stronger Premium Hot Glue Sticks


Sale price$47.00

Product Highlights

  • Type: Hot Glue Sticks
  • Brand: Infinity Bond

Need a Stronger Hot Glue Stick? Use Mighty Joe, It Won't Let You Down

Mighty Joe hot glue sticks are a professional grade hot melt formulation created for consumers who need a better bond. Mighty Joe offers an excellent bond to a wide range of substrates and is the perfect go-to glue stick for almost any application. This custom formulated hot glue stick bonds great to wood, paper, and even light plastics and metals. If you need a hot glue stick with a lot more oomph, Might Joe is just right for you.

Characteristics of Infinity Bond Might Joe Hot Glue Sticks

Mighty Joe hot melt glue sticks from Infinity Bond offer a strong bond to a wide range of substrates and dry nearly clear (not as clear as our dear friend Average Joe though). 

  • Set Time: aka - how long you've got to move your parts around - 20-40 seconds, depending on your glue gun
  • Color: Dries opaque, nearly clear
  • Bond Strength: Strong. Don't even try to compare to your craft store fodder. 
  • Common Applications: Everything from hard core crafts to home repairs. Mighty Joe has got it going on. 

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